Rewards at Readzle

Introducing our innovative rewards program, designed to enhance your book sharing experience on our platform. Embark on a literary journey like never before, as every page turned and every book shared now brings you closer to exciting rewards. With each book you lend or borrow, you earn points that unlock a world of possibilities.

How it Works?


Refer and earn rewards

Invite your friends and family to join our program and get rewarded. For every successful referral, you'll get a bonus.


Add books and earn rewards

Earn points by adding books to your library. Redeem your points for rewards. Start building your collection today.


Review and earn rewards

Write an honest review of books, and you will be rewarded. Your opinion matters to us and we value your feedback. Start reviewing today and earn rewards.


Redeem Points

Redeem your points through UPI and have them credited directly to your bank account.

Benefits of Readzle

Sustainable Reading

Reduce the environmental impact of book production and distribution by promoting book sharing and reuse.

Contribute to a circular economy where books are valued as shared resources.

Earn and Save

Monetize your book collection by renting out your books to other users, generating additional income.

Access a vast library of books at affordable rental prices, saving money and expanding your reading options.

Reviewer Rewards

Share your thoughts and insights by providing book reviews.

Earn rewards for your valuable contributions, encouraging a culture of active reader engagement.

Upskill and Connect:

Immerse yourself in a diverse collection of books across genres, fostering personal and professional growth.

Connect with like-minded individuals, join book clubs, and participate in discussions to enhance your reading experience.

Join the Readzle Community

Become a part of the Readzle community today and unlock a world of books, connections, and opportunities for growth. Start sharing, reading, and exploring to embark on an enriching journey of learning.

Begin your reading journey with Readzle today.
Download the app.

Refer your friends and earn rewards.

App Announcement