Frequently asked questions

It is free for all, anyone can download and register themselves. Since it is a Peer to peer platform, you can utilise the book sharing feature only when you and others in your neighbourhood are sharing your books. Otherwise you can use this app to set your reading goals, list your books and login daily readings.

You need to click the + button on the bottom right of the app. You will be directed to enter the ISBN code of your book. This is usually on the back cover page. It is usually a 10 or 13 digit number.

You need to click on ‘Go to Library” link to see all the books available in the neighbourhood. You can chose the book you would like to read and hit the borrow button to borrow. You should choose to either accept the borrow request and share the book with the respective user or reject. Once you accept, please notify the user when to pick the book from you and ask him to receive the book the app once he has received it from you.

You need to hit “start reading” button and select the book you would like to read. This starts a 30mins countdown and automatically reminds you after 30 What should I do when I receive a borrow request from a user? mins to stop reading or continue. This is usually in packets of 30 mins. A min of 30 mins of reading is suggested as per research.

As you start reading books for 30 mins a day (at least), your brain start to get trained on focus thinking and improve your attention span. The brain rewiring help you understand how this is working on you as you continue reading book. But make sure that you are using the countdown clock to ensure that app understands that you are reading.

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